Thursday, December 20, 2007

Assignment #12

1. Writing my play was a lot of fun for me. I got to write about what I was thinking about when I was thinking about it which was great. My only problem was the limitations to what I could do on stage. I originally wanted to have my play take place in several different settings but when you are performing something on stage it is difficult to do because there is a limited amount of space and time to put on a production. I personally don't like writing plays because I don't feel that I can be very creative because of all of the limitations. I also don't have the patience to write a play. If I have a good idea I roll with it but once I stop I completely loose interest.

2. I think I could write a story about my old dog Winnie because she is something that I'm really passionate about. I think if I wrote about her I would be able to keep going with all of y experiences with her form the day I brought her home to the day she died. She was very important to me and my family so I would be able to tell the story from more than one point of view. I could also write a story about my family and the things that go on in our lives. My family is unique to put it nicely and I think that a select few of my family members would be good characters to base a comedy off of.

3. If I had to tell a five year old kid something about growing up in this cruel world is to not have any individuality. If you are like everyone then people will like you. It doesn't make any sense to try and branch out and be your own person because people will just not except you. The only way to make friends is to have something in common. No one appreciates individuality everyone is just obsessed with being the best. My best advice for them is to buy what everyone else is buying and look like everyone else and you will have friends and life will be good for you.


muna w. said...

hey natalie! i like you r answer to the first ?. I can relatae because my play was fun writing it and I had a blast writing it. like you the stage diresctions were the hardest part as well as keeping in mind that its a play and not a story. Great blog!!!;)

Mr. Miles said...

Your response to #3 is very interesting and not what I would expect. That would actually be a very different theme for a personal essay.